2017-08-31 15:32:58 | 编辑:无 | 有3922人参与 | 来自:匿名9月份马上就要到来,新的一轮换题季开始了,那么, 我们是不要要很紧张了呢,说实话,很多题库都是老题重现,下面是喜哥做的9月份的权威版雅思口语题库预测,按以下题库准备就是了。
Part 1 的题库预测如下:
TV program, outdoor activities ,
Shoes, music instrument , watch, dream, friends , Teachers, mirror looking, snacks, daily routine, politeness , pop star, magazines, fruit, sunshine, jewelry , birthday, history, neighbor , online shopping, bags,swimming, hat, email/handwriting, handicraft , housework, house /apartment , rainy day, student/worker , hometown.
Part 2---People 人物篇
An experience you spent time with a child.
A happy couple
A person who helped you in study or life.
A person you want to know more about
A clever person to solve the problem
A family member you are proud of.
An interesting neighbor
A famous person you are interested in.
Two people you know from the same family.
A person whom do you think is polite
An old people
A singer /musician or a music band
A good friend
Part 2 –object
1. An important plant in your country
2. A free gift ( free meal, or gift or something else)
3. A special cake you had
4. A statue or painting you saw
5. A clothes you like best
6. a book you want to read again
7. a foreign food you ate before.
8. an important equipment in your house.
9. An app
10. Sth. Old kept for a long time in your family.
11. A toy
12. A furniture
Places /buildings 地点&建筑篇:
A quiet place
An interesting house or an apartment you visited.
A shop open in your hometown.
A café
a popular swimming place
a company & organization
a city you ‘ve visited that you like
a place where has lots of people
a place you would like to go in the holiday.
A building ( historical /modern /unusual)
A foreign country you would like to go in the future
A place nearby the water
Part 2 –event
A time you were waiting for sth,
An important change in your life.
An interesting conversation you had with a stranger.
A thing that you could remember well in your childhood.
An occasion you saw all the people laughing.
A time you moved to a new school or home.
A speech you heard
A time you arrived early.
An occasion that tried an activity for the first time.
A happy event in your childhood
Sht. You want to do but never did before.
A challenging experience
A time to a new place.
A happy or interesting wedding.
A team project for study or entertainment ( 团队活动)
An important historical event in your country
A holiday you want to have in the future
(a decision you disagreed with
an experience in the countryside ‘
a plan which is irrelevant to your work and study
a good service you experienced in a shop or restaurant
a time when sth, made you laugh
an experience that you are not allowed use mobile phone
A time you saw an wild animal
entertainment /media :
An expensive sport
An English class
A well-paid job you are good at
A sport event you like watching
A TV drama series
A kind of weather you like
A song you like
An interesting tradition in your country
A movie you like
A festival you would like to celebrate in the future
A good news you heard you heard from sb.
A popular invention in all ages
A website you know