2015-06-14 15:11:56 | 编辑:无 | 有2426人参与 | 来自:匿名一、雅思听力
Section 1 填空题
一个名叫Jan Cresiick的女生咨询drama course
1. family name: Jan Cresiick
2. Address NO.79 Palace Street
3. date: the 30th May.
4. Time for attending the comic: 5:30 pm
5. occupation: waitress
6.ads: leaflet
7.Essay write for theoretical course
8.go to local theater
9. milk
Section 2选择4+配对6
Fishing license
A. Show your fishing licenses
B. Details of different types of fishing license
C. Details of accommodation one takes on the island
D. Proof of passing a fishing exam
E. Need apply again
F. Your passport number
11-14. Multiple choice
11. If you want to fish there, you need to tell them
F and have a fishing license from your home country.
12. If you don’t have one, you need D
Your application will be processed and you shall wait.
You need to go to the local bank and they will not go on without a fishing license.
13. You can go to the local bank for the fishing costs, regulations and ask for
B.Then they will sue you a fishing license. They will also ask you for insurance policy.
14. Then you will find
C when you go fishing.
15-20 Matching
A. at midday
B. at night
C. in autumn
D. in hot weather
E. in March and April
F. in winter
G. on a calm day
H. when it rains
15. Pine Tress Beach----G
16. Oyster coast----H 文章提到 wet days
17. River Bella----B
18. Marton Reservoir----C
19. Southern coast----F
20. Bella sea ----E
Section 3学术讨论 表格填空5+多选5
男学生咨询女教授关于report presentation
21. sound
22. interview
23. questions
24. survey
25. noise
26-28 Multiple choice (choose 3 out of 7)
26. What are the suggestion that teacher gave to students about how to make a presentation?
A. key word for reference to learn
B. talk slowly (change tone frequently)
C. prepare a full script
D record the presentation in CD/ Video
E. note card
F. work with partner
29-30 Multiple choose (choose 2 out of 5)
Students don’t know what to do, so teacher offers advice about the report.
A. re-read the report draft several days later
B. don’t include all data (prepare too much)
C. proofreading/ prepare writing carefully
D. get more information from the internet website E. ask a tutor to check and revise the draft
Section 4填空6+选择4
一个女学生讲关于 13 世纪的 rural life 的文章
31. Research resources comes from:
Get materials from 31. museum archives Internet and a 32. map found by librarian
33. surrounded by ditch (for protection) not for drinking
34. X’ advantage: increase production of peas and beans fertilize the soil
35. Local wealthy people like to buy (porcelain) and indicated from shops at the local place
36. guarded against birds from attacking crops
37. How about a new farming method: mixing farming?
A. it helps reserve the land
38.deep plough has the function of changing
C. the shape of the farmland soil appearance
39. what about the new (innovative) windmills 风车
B. people can adjust the fan to face the wind
40. why poor people/small household has higher production?
C. free farmers have enough labour
Passage 1
Passage 2
题目:Coastal Archaeology of Britain
Passage 3
题目:The Origin of language
Task 1
The charts show the percentages of male and female students getting top grades in1960 and 2000.
Task 2议论文
In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?
P1: House or apartment 是否喜欢住在那里?周围有基本的设施吗,交通是否方便等
P2: A happy family event
P3: 是否经常参加家庭聚会?中国典型的家庭人员构成?是否喜欢和老人住在一起,住在一起有什么影响吗?中国的父母在家庭中各起到什么样的作用?男孩和女孩会在家庭中被平等对待吗?
Part 1 house| flat, weather, museum
Part 2 a person u know who is a good cook
Part 3 男孩女孩应该学会做菜吗?学校的伙食有营养吗?现在中国人对中国食物的态度?孩子应该知道产品的制作过程吗?中国产品包装上有食物比例分配吗?政府应该着重让国人知晓产品构成吗?
Part1: 跟work, alone, national Holiday 有关的问题
Are you a student or are you working? What’s your job? Do you like you job? Is it important?
Which do you think is the most important when you are woking? The people around you or other things?
When was the last time you were alone?
What do you liketo do when you are alone
Do you wish do have more time alone?
Is it important to have some time alone?
Do you like national holidays? What’s the most important one?
What do you do on national holiday?
Do you prefer more holidays?
What did you do on the last holiday?
Part 2: something interesting you want to learn more
Part3: do old people learn something new? How/where can they learn? What the most important skill for people to learn?
people nowadays tend to use internet to get more information, do you think it is a good way? Or are there any pieces of unreliable information on line?
Why there is more unreliable information on line compared with other kinds of media, such as newspaper or TV?