
2017-09-24 16:39:46 | 编辑:无 | 有3465人参与 | 来自:匿名




e.g. Why does the student go to see the professor? (TPO40 C1 Q1)

¡        To find out all the requirements for a project.

¡        To discuss a service gap at a restaurant.

¡        To get help understanding concepts relevant to his project.

¡        To get help with designing a business plan.


S: Thanks for seeing me, Professor Jackson.

P: Sure, Tom, what can I do for you?

S: I’m gonna do my term project on service design. Oh, what you see as a customer, the physical layout of the building, the parking lot. And I thought I’d focus on various kinds of eateries: Restaurants, coffee shops, cafeterias. So I’d also analyze where you order your food, where you eat, and so on.

S: So here’s my question. I read something about service standard that kind of confused me. What’s the difference between service design and service standard?

【注】在这篇对话中,学生通过开头的寒暄后,就开始提出自己问题中的关键词service design,之后又出现关键词service standard,并且这两个关键词在后面一直反复出现,最后再结合引出学生问题的关键句:What’s the difference between service design and service standard? 因此,这道题目的最终答案应该锁定service designservice standard的差别,对应的正确答案为Cunderstanding concepts relevant to his project就是相关的同义替换)。



e.g. What is the lecture mainly about? (TPO15 L1 Q6)

¡        Methods people used to eliminate distractions.

¡        The area of the brain responsible for blocking distractions.

¡        The usefulness of questionnaires in assessing distractibility.

¡        Research about how the brain deals with distractions.


P: For decades, psychologists have been looking at our ability to perform tasks while other things are going on. How we’re able to keep from being distracted and what the conditions for good concentration are. As long ago as 1982, researchers came up with something called the CFQ, the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire.

This questionnaire…

【注】这是一篇心理学讲座,本题考查的是全文主旨题,教授在进行大体的心理学研究背景介绍之后,引出了一个术语“CFQ”和相关的术语解释,并且这个术语及术语解释都显示在屏幕上,所以学生应该快速识别该术语的含义并进入该话题的听题状态。最终根据全文关键词distracted, concentration, conditions等,选出其同义替换,即正确选项D





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