2015-06-14 15:21:07 | 编辑:无 | 有2282人参与 | 来自:匿名口语主讲——Jennifer
总说我们中国人don't party 的确中国人比较少去bar 更不用说club,喝的是non alcohol 但是有些词你不得不知道!一起看看喝醉了怎么表达只会drunk 的你out 了~
In Britain if u r pissed that means u r drunk. However Americans use the word differently. To them, pissed is a shortened version of pissed off, which means angry.
再补充几个醉了的词:bladdered, wrecked, wasted(个人最爱), shitfaced(喝醉了狗吃屎的感觉有没有)fucked-up, smashed, trashed微醉怎么说?Just say tipsy. But how do you describe someone who can't handle alcohol very well? They are called a lightweight.不胜酒力,喝多了后果很严重~If you drink a lot and end up puking/vomiting, you could say you chundered. 当你和外国人一起喝酒时,请记住,有一个购买酒水的方法就做rounds(回合制)。组中的每个人轮流为大家买一杯酒,这就是所谓的一轮。你在酒吧中常常能听到这么一句话?Whose round is it?