2015-06-14 15:22:43 | 编辑:无 | 有2337人参与 | 来自:匿名五月雅思口语新题大汇总,烤鸭表示压力很大啊,旧题还没好准备好,新题已经张牙舞爪,横遍街头喂!
1 stay alone
2 transportation
3 vegetables and fruits
4 help others
5 music
6 adventures
7 sports
8 remember
9 math
1 describe a child who did sth made u laugh
2 describe a person u know who dresses well
3 describe a person who speaks foreign language well
4 describe a person u met surprised u
1 describe a place that is good for reading or writing ( not your home)
2 describe a restaurant or cafe you like
3 describe a park u often visit
4 describe a place you feel relaxed
5 describe a change in the local area
1 describe an educational TV program
2 describe a gift that took you a long time to choose
3 describe a pic or photography in your family
1 describe an occasion you get up extremely early
2 describe a small successful company
3 describe an indoor game u played when u were young
4 describe a paid job u or your friend did