
2015-06-14 15:21:43 | 编辑:无 | 有2234人参与 | 来自:匿名



主旨题通常位于每篇对话或讲座的第一题,并且主要分为两种类型:1. 目的主旨题(常见的提问方式如:Why does the woman come to the office?2. 内容主旨题(常见的提问方式如:What do the speakers mainly discuss?

针对第一种类型,我们需要注意以下几点:A. 目的主旨题多见于对话中,在听的过程中,需要试图去寻找一种因果关系,并且这种因果关系是围绕学生过来找老师或相关工作人员答疑解惑的原始目的的;B. 这类题型的答案往往藏于对话的开篇,特别是学生的提问或者回答中,常见句型如: The reason why I come here is that…/I was wondering if…/I would be appreciative if…/I have difficulty (in)…等;C. 所听的内容与正确选项在表述上有所不同,往往会进行同义替换或改写;下面我们来看TPO7 Conversation 2中的一道题目:

Q1Why does the student come to the library?

A.     To learn about the library’s resources

B.      To ask about interlibrary loans

C.      To attend the new student orientation

D.     To start work on a research project

解析这是一道典型的目的主旨题,需要我们特别关注开头部分的内容(学生阐述的内容),结合因果关系及常见句型,我们听到了这些语句I couldn’t come to the student orientation and I’m wondering if you can give me a few quick points just about the library. I’d really appreciate it.并且找出几个关键词:student orientation, quick points, library, appreciate,最后根据同义替换的现象,我们可以确定答案为A

   针对第二种类型,我们需要关注的是:A. 内容主旨题在对话和讲座中都会出现,这种类型考查学生的整理与归纳能力,对话中的主旨题往往需要学生在整体听完后再进行总结,而讲座中的主旨题不仅要求学生有总结能力,还需要关注课堂的开头部分内容,因为教授通常会在开篇表明自己整节课的话题或上课思路。B. 这类题型的答案也是经过同义替换或改写的,所以学生需要多积累同义词和反义词以及相关的句子表述;下面我们来看TPO4 Lecture 3中的一道题目:

Q1What does the professor mainly discuss?

A.     His plans for research involving moving rocks.

B.      A difference between two geological forces that cause rocks to move.

C.      Theories about why desert rocks move.

D.     Reasons why geologists should study moving rocks.

解析这是一道典型的内容主旨题,并且出现在讲座中,所以我们同样需要关注开篇内容,我们能在讲座开头听到We’ve been covering rocks and different types of rocks for the last several weeks…And to get started I thought I’d mention something that shows how uh…as a geologist, you need to know about more than just rocks and the structure of solid matter, moving rocks, you may have heard about them” 以此确定本节课的topicmoving rocks,然后又听到这样的语句“It’s quite a mystery”,可以猜测本次课的重点有可能就是对moving rocks进行研究,最后结合整篇文章按照a lot of theories的思路介绍,便能确定出最终的答案为C






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